About Me

Drew McDowell working in front of a computer display in his home office

Hi there! I’m Drew McDowell, a Senior UX/UI Designer based in Huntsville, AL, focused on front-end web UI design and development. I'm the Design Lead for the COLSA Software Factory. I have a background in Industrial Design, and I was the first-ever recipient of UAH's graduate-level UX certificate.

I’m passionate about all things related to design, including:

  • relying on user feedback and data to drive design choices
  • designing with accessibility and ethics in mind from the start
  • wielding new technology to create novel solutions for old problems
  • using visual design to create interfaces that delight and inspire trust

Most of all, I’m passionate about creating useful, thoughtful, and beautiful products designed for the people who use them.

Apart from design, my personal interests include playing music at local venues, traveling, home design, building and renovation, consumer technology and AI, and the latest binge-worthy TV series.

I'm also a proud father of two rambunctious, funny boys and a lucky husband of an incredibly supportive wife who keeps our lives running.

Drew McDowell with his wife and two young boys